METRINO endorsed by India’s Minister of Roads and Transportation, invited to present a proposal for a 70km pilot system in Delhi.
MGP commences activity in the Arabian Gulf.
MISTER PRT is incorporated as Metrino Global Projects Ltd (MGP) in Auckland, New Zealand.
Metrino PRT obtains Letter of Intent from Szczecin, one of Poland’s largest cities.
Two cities in Brazil commit to over $20M of services annually, once a Metrino pilot system of 10 km is built.
Mikosza obtains Letters of Intent for conditional development in 12 cities around the world.
Metrino PRT is granted a matching funds award of €10M from European Union High Tech Fund for the development of a testing facility.
Mikosza is invited to join EU high-tech trade delegation to present Metrino PRT in India.
With two partners, Mikosza builds a full scale prototype in Poland and assembles a top class management & design team.
Mikosza files first patent application for new transportation system.
Ollie Mikosza (Msc) invents a practical solution to grid-lock traffic problems while working as a Senior IT Systems Architect in Silicon Valley.